As a church together, we can have a greater impact in your community and beyond, sharing God’s abundant grace with others by offering more enrichment and education opportunities and resources to congregations and leaders in programs like the Dandelion Project Too, Building a Culture of Generosity, Stewardship for All Seasons, and Growing in Faith lay school.
Mission Support is the portion of regular offerings that your congregation shares for synod and churchwide ministries for God’s mission beyond the local congregation. For more about how the Northeastern Ohio Synod is stewarding your gifts, please visit
We encourage your congregation to give gifts directly to our separately incorporated ministry partners (i.e. Hopewood Outdoors, Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University, St. Luke Lutheran Community, Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries, etc) so that your generous gifts to those partners can be attributed to your congregation and so that there are no mistakes made with your gifts.
If you need help knowing where to send those gifts, please contact the Administrative Assistant at the NEOS offices: 330-929-9022
Congregational Mission Support
Annually, we ask congregations to share with us what they intend to send for Mission Support each year. Please complete one of the forms linked below.
Have you ever wondered what happens when you give at your local congregation? Where do those dollars marked "Mission Support" go? Learn more by watching the short video below. Thank you for trusting the Northeastern Ohio Synod to steward your gifts through Mission Support.