NEOS Creation Care Affinity Group Working Mission Statement:
Because of who Christ is...because of who God is as evidenced by the incarnation, we commit to caring for all of God's creation. We commit to working with what God has put before us in the Northeastern Ohio Synod, We commit to helping this geographical area of creation become Carbon Neutral* by 2045. We commit to assisting the individual congregations in our 20 counties in NE Ohio to be in communication with solid waste districts which will provide them with free waste audits and we commit to helping these congregations with the decisions they make as a result of those audits. We commit to assisting congregations in expanding their cultures such that creation care is an integral part of those cultures. We commit to nurturing hope in youth who are troubled by the prospects for our planet. We commit to holding creation dear just as we are held dear in the life of Christ.
*the state of removing the same amount of carbon dioxide from the environment as is released into the environment
If you are interested in joining this affinity group, please email Pr. Marilyn Matevia at [email protected]. Schedule for meetings and events is currently TBA. Please stay tuned for more information.
Let us share your story
Has your congregation installed solar panels, small wind turbines, pollinator gardens, all LED lighting, or made other visible creation care commitments? Do you have active creation care programs or green teams? Please contact Pr. Marilyn Matevia. We would like to share your story!