Have you ever wondered about theological education?
The ELCA seminaries would like to help you learn more about your seminary options and explore with you where God might be calling you next. oin all seven seminaries of the ELCA on Sunday, September 15th 4:00-6:30 (ET) for a Joint Virtual Discernment Event. Click here to learn more and register. |
All are invited to a milestone Ecumenical Study Day!
September 22, 2024 2:30 - 7:30 pm St. Joan of Arc Parish 8894 State Route 14 Streetsboro, Ohio This year’s study day will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, which was signed in 1999 by the Vatican and member churches of the Lutheran World Federation, and recognized by many ecumenical partners. This day will be a great introduction to ecumenism (dialogue and friendship among Christians) and is open to all. Rev. Dr. Joy A. Schroeder from Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Capital University in Columbus, and an official participant in the national Lutheran-Catholic dialogue, will speak about what has happened in the last ecumenism in the past twenty-five years, and where the Spirit may be leading us for the future. The day will begin with registration and fellowship, a presentation and discussion with Dr. Schroeder, Bishop Bonnar and Bishop Barbins, prayer, and supper. This event is sponsored by the Lutheran-Catholic Covenant Commission of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown and the Northeastern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. For more information and to join our mailing list, please contact Justin Huyck, on behalf of the Lutheran-Catholic Covenant Commission, at [email protected]. |
Stretch and Pray Retreat (Sept. 13-15)
Come experience a weekend of relaxation and recreation co-hosted by Earth and Cup and HopeWood Outdoors. We will have a special guest to lead you in times of yoga and Tai Chi. Stretch your body and spirit in a relaxing setting of beautiful nature. You will stay in the Priebe Retreat Center or Spring Run Cottage. Priebe housing is 2 persons per room with restrooms just down the hallway. Spring Run is 5 persons per room with an attached restroom for each room. For more information and to register, please visit https://hopewoodoutdoors.org/program/stretch-and-pray-retreat/ |
Wild Women/Lantern Fellowship Retreat (Sept. 20-22)
Escape for a weekend of faith, fun, and rejuvenation. This fall the Wild Women’s Retreat collaborates with the Lantern Fellowship of the United Church of Christ. Kristen Buss is our bible study leader. Kriss’ theme will be about women of the bible, linking to her work as a prison chaplain. What does it mean to be God’s Wild Women? How does God call us to relate to one another as women AND as people of God? We will look at women in the Bible and their relationships to one another in times of trial, stress, crisis. Using varied practices including: lectio devina, meditation, discussion, and immersive writing we will draw out stories of particular women of God.. For more information and to register, please visit https://hopewoodoutdoors.org/program/wild-womens-retreat/ |
48th Annual Apple Butter and Fall Festival (Oct. 13, 12-6pm)
Come celebrate the fall season with us at our annual Apple Butter Festival! Enjoy a wagon ride through camp, sample tasty apple butter, grab a meal, and let the kids have fun in the supervised children’s activity area. This year we are excited to offer craft vendors, food trucks, wine and beer vendors, and so much more! Also, enjoy our NEW pumpkin patch while you are there. Come and buy pumpkins of all shapes and sizes and even bring them to paint during our festival! |
ReNew! Youth and Family Minister’s Retreat (Oct. 28-30)
Join us for a retreat specifically designed to support and equip full-time and part-time youth and family ministry staff. Share in the educational sessions and discussions, networking and resource sharing, relaxation, free time, conversation, and worship. Or, take a break from the group and enjoy a hike, nap, or some time by the fire. When you return to your ministry, you’ll be refreshed and renewed. Online registration is required two weeks in advance. Register online here: https://hopewoodoutdoors.campbrainregistration.com |
“Then Jesus opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, ‘Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things’” (Luke 24:46–48).
Pastor David E. Sprang, Director for Evangelical Mission, and Bishop Craig Alan Satterlee invite you to join them for an “evangelism” (in the best sense of that word) retreat centered on the book You Are Witnesses of These Things: Sharing the Story of Jesus. This retreat is an opportunity to experience the joy and fun in sharing the story of Jesus for no reason other than Jesus is such life-giving good news. The retreat is also an occasion to train those interested in using this book with groups in their congregation. Participants are expected to read the book in advance of the retreat and fully participate in group sessions. Like the book, the retreat’s primary audience is the baptized, people of God, or lay people. Pastors and deacons will certainly learn, grow, and be nourished by the experience and are heartily welcome. Participants might consider attending with someone with whom they can partner in this work, though a partner is not necessary to attend. Retreat Logistics and Registration Monday, November 11, 12:00 PM – Tuesday, November 12,, 2 PM Bethany House, St. Francis Retreat Center, Dewitt, Michigan $85 – Fee covers food and lodging We give thanks to The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for an Evangelism Initiative grant to help defray the cost of this event. Register Now The deadline to register is November 4, 2024. For questions contact Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission: Rev. David Sprang – [email protected] – 517-331-8497 |