The Sharing Congregational Resources team is a spin-off group created to address the Synod Spine-tingling Goal of an equitably paid pastor, deacon or lay person in every pulpit. Just as individuals have God-given unique gifts and talents to share, likewise congregations also have unique God-given gifts and talents to share. Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of congregations sharing the gifts they have with one another, so that all may benefit, not just financially, but more importantly as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Synod Council Sharing Congregational Resource Team: Don Wiff, Paul Gochnour, Pastor Robert Eller, Pastor Dan Skillman, Susan Frantz. Synod Council Executive Committee Advisor: Pastor Jeremy Hollingshead.
Any member of the team may be contacted for more information and for assistance in scheduling our presentation, Sharing Congregational Resources. It should be noted that the PowerPoint created by Pastor Jeremy Hollingshead is meant to encourage, participation, brainstorming ideas and discussion. It is not meant to be shared without a team member facilitating discussion.
We meet via Zoom, 8:30-9:30 am, every second Tuesday monthly, and also, during regularly scheduled Synod Council meetings.
At this point, we are not looking for new members to join our team. However, we welcome suggestions of congregational gifts that are being shared or could be share. We, also, would very much appreciate stories from congregations who are working together and the blessings that have experienced from sharing gifts.
Sharing Congregational Resources Contacts: Paul Gochnor C 440-665-9739 [email protected]